
Do you feel like you struggle to relax and feel tense most of the time?Do your worried thoughts become so overwhelming that it’s hard for you to concentrate on your daily tasks? Do you feel you are avoiding certain people or situations?

You may be dealing with a struggling with an anxiety disorder.

But there is help and relief.

What is anxiety?

Our bodies are designed to help us anticipate and identify potential threats to our survival and wellbeing. Our brains will send signals to our brains that help us to respond to these threats; this is also known as the “Fight, Flight or Freeze” responses. While these responses can be helpful to us in scary moments, sometimes our brains can get “stuck” in these responses which can cause someone to develop chronic anxiety.

What are the common symptoms?

  • Jittery, restless feeling

  • A tight feeling or heavy weight on your chest

  • Rapid breathing or an elevated heart rate

  • Frequent headaches, stomach pains or nausea

  • Constant worries that can feel like a “tornado of thoughts”

  • Feeling panic, dread or something “bad” is going to happen

  • Difficulty with focusing or concentrating

  • Feeling tired and exhausted

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Feeling hot and sweaty; or the opposite clammy and cold

What does help look like?

Working with a therapist can help you to identify the root of your anxiety, target and change unhelpful thinking patterns, and practice ways to release the tension in your through body-centered techniques like deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises. We use a blend of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness skills training, and somatic techniques to help understand your anxiety better and learn ways to cope with it more effectively.

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